
Paramedic Jobs in QLD: Standards for EMD & PTO Employees

Do you want to know what it takes to land Emergency Medical Dispatcher & Patient Transport Officer paramedic jobs in QLD? Did you know that there are many paramedic career paths available within the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS)? Whether you have previous experience within the health services industry or no medical experience at all, there are several paramedic jobs in QLD for Emergency Medical Dispatcher & Patient Transfer Officer positions.

Standards for EMD & PTO Paramedic Jobs in QLD

As you will discover, both positions require a unique set of training and education. As such, we have listed the minimum standard of education and training that is acceptable for both paramedic jobs in QLD, in particular the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS). This enables the QAS to provide a high level of paramedic service and quality emergency health care.

Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD)

When an emergency situation occurs, the first response of most bystanders is to call 000. This is where the critical role of an Emergency Medical Dispatcher is put to the test. An experienced and professional EMD is tasked with providing effective coordination to dispatch the necessary resources to an emergency and often provide “over-the-phone” medical advice that can mean the difference between life and death.

When it really comes down to it, those critical first minutes of an emergency mean that EMD must be highly skilled at understanding the situation and providing a clear and effective plan of action. It goes without saying that EMD’s must be able to read maps, have excellent communication skills, have a calm disposition. They are the vital link between the patient and the paramedic crew that is on its way.

Emergency Medical Dispatcher’s are some of the most valuable paramedic jobs in QLD, proving their life-saving worth within the QAS on a daily basis.

With this is mind it is understandable that the Queensland Ambulance Service has high standards for EMD paramedic jobs in QLD, they are (but not limited to):

  • Possess a Certificate III in Ambulance Communications (Call Taking) or equivalent
  • Possess a Certificate IV in Ambulance Communications (Dispatch) or equivalent
  • 12 months experience as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher
  • Hold a current Senior First Aid Certificate
  • Proficiency with Computer Aided Dispatching
  • Keyboard skills with 40 words/minute (95% accuracy)
  • Be able to provide evidence of current/recent experience within the EMD industry.

Patient Transport Officer (PTO)

The role of a Patient Transport Officers within the Queensland Ambulance Service is to provide patients with non-emergency transport on a pre-booked arrangement. Such non-urgent arrangements include hospital to home transfers (vice versa) and from one health facility to another.

For example, an ambulance with a PTO on board may be required to transfer an aged care resident to a hospital for a pre-booked medical procedure or check-up.

Though the circumstances surrounding the service may not be urgent in nature, it is crucial that PTO’s are trained to respond in a professional and equipped manner should the situation require emergency medical treatment. As a result the QAS standard of education and experience amongst PTO paramedic jobs in QLD include (but is not limited to):

  • Possess a Certificate III in Non-Emergency Client Transport. We suggest holding a HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care at a minimum.
  • At least 12 months experience as an employed full-time Patient Transport Officer.
  • The ability to demonstrate basic life support skills, oxygen therapy and early access defibrillation.
  • All applicants must provide proof of current/recent experience within the PTO industry.


Study with Australian Paramedical College and Qualify for RPL

You now know the standards for obtaining EMD or PTO jobs in QLD, especially for employment with the Queensland Ambulance Service. Why not discover how the Australian Paramedical College can give you the qualifications you need.

We have paramedic pathway courses that are nationally accredited and could give you the Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) credits you may need. The online e-Learning component to most of our courses gives you the flexibility of study that is a must for many students.

To learn more about how we can help you land the best PTO or EMD jobs in QLD, speak to a Career Advisor today on 1300 377 741.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.