
FAQ – Can I meet up with other students?

Yes – this is one of the most amazing things about studying with the College.

We realise that online study can be a little challenging for some, so we got together with our students and created an online student hangout on Facebook. This is a private group that is reserved for students only. It’s exactly what you’d expect, a place where everyone jumps on and gets to know one another.

Just belonging to this community means you get to ask questions about your course and learn from others who are further down the road in their studies.

Another big bonus of the Facebook group is students who live close to one another arrange to meet up at coffee shops and each others houses to form there own ‘study buddy’ groups. Again – collaborating is one of the best ways to learn.

You can be sure that you’ll always be part of a big online learning community when you choose to study with the College.

About the Australian Paramedical College

The Australian Paramedical College is the largest pre-hospital health care training provider in Australia.

We offer three courses in the health scope:

Our nationally recognized paramedical pathway training programs provide a flexible and affordable pathway to employment in the private sector, or as a stepping stone to university.We offer everyone the opportunity to become an emergency healthcare practitioner, regardless of their educational background. We believe you should still pursue your goals even if your school or college grades are not where they should be.

We live in an era where anything is possible when you put your mind to it. With advances in technology and learning methodologies, there is no reason why you can not follow your dreams and become a person who can save lives and contribute to the well-being of the community.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.