
APC paramedic event services – TooMoo 220km charity cycling ride

Australian Paramedical College supports 220 km charity ride

As part of the Australian Paramedical College commitment to the blended learning opportunities for all students, we are proactive in the community to help and assist organisations and groups with their events.

Last weekend in Queensland we witnessed incredible storm cells that sat over the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane for many hours, dumping millions of litres of water and causing chaos in the process.

The storm coincided with the annual TooMoo 220 cycling event from the highlands of Toowoomba, about 145 kilometres west of Brisbane, to the coastal resort town of Mooloolaba. Organiser Dave Fellows remained steadfast in his resolve that the event would go ahead.

With the threat of wet roads and treacherous downhill winding roads offering the only way out of Toowoomba for the riders, it was critical that the Australian Paramedical College paramedic event services were in attendance.

Australian Paramedical College TooMoo 220 event

One of our paramedic trainers Greg Cox and Certificate IV / Diploma student Rob Myers (who is a US army medic of 16 years), volunteered their services for the entire day, to shadow the 7o plus strong group of riders in an ambulance supplied by one of our partners EMT Medical Services. Rob jumped at the opportunity to ride along with Greg and also be a part of this amazing event that attracts riders from Brisbane, the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.

“Being able to ride along with a paramedic is an amazing opportunity to learn a lot more”, said Rob.

“Just being able to be a part of something as well organised as the TooMoo is in itself, invaluable experience for me”, he went on to say.

Despite atrocious weather a very early 3am start for Greg and Rob, the team did an amazing job of following the riders as they wrestled with the challenges of wet roads, fog, rain, exhaustive steep climbs and twisting descents; and of course the changing weather from wet and cold to hot, energy-zapping conditions.

APC supports TooMoo 220

The event was well organised with no accidents, however, a couple of riders had to be treated by Greg and Rob for general exhaustion and fatigue.

The grueling and challenging 220Km charity ride this year raised $30,000 for Riding For The Disabled to build a hydraulic lift to allow the kids to safely mount the horses.

The College sees great value in allowing its students to experience working at live events and mixing with the community. It’s also the perfect opportunity to network, practice vital communication skills and see first-hand what goes on behind the scenes at a public event such as the TooMoo.

Thanks to Greg and Rob once again for volunteering their weekend to support a worthy charity such as the Riding for the Disabled..

Having the boys following the group of riders for over 9 hours made everyone feel assured that should assistance be required, expert medical attention was close at hand.

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