
Ex-Australian Army man finds new career as Paramedic

Ex-Australian Army man finds new career as Paramedic

Michael Shoebridge has previously been deployed overseas with the Australian Army, and now he could be off again, but this time as a qualified Paramedic.

After serving in the Army for 12 years, from 2000-2012, the 32-year-old from North Brisbane was looking for a career change and found the perfect platform with the Australian Paramedical College.

“I initially got the urge to do something along these lines when I was working overseas with the Army alongside one of my friends who was our medic. I enjoyed a lot of the stuff I got to do with him so I thought I would give it a go,” Mr Shoebridge said.

With his heart set on beginning his pathway to becoming a Paramedic, Michael was enticed by the College’s flexibility and self-paced distance learning environment, meaning he could spend more time with his family. A luxury that he missed out on for so many years.

“When I saw the options that you could study and still work I was sold,” he said.

“That’s why I started off doing my Certificate IV in Healthcare to see if I’d like it and from there I progressed through to doing my Diploma and Advanced Diploma (of Paramedical Science).”

12 months ago, with help from the College, he began work experience with Wilson Medic One and Emergency Medics.

Then, just days after completing his Advanced Diploma and University degree in Paramedical Science, Michael commenced employment with a company called Medical Rescue.

But Michael’s Paramedical dreams extend further than this.

“I have completed everything for my application into NSW ambulance and have been put on their eligibility list,” he said.

“But the major one is that I had an interview a few weeks ago with South Central Ambulance in London which went well. If I decide to take that job it will commence around May next year for my intake.

“I also have an application sitting in New Zealand.”

With so much job opportunity overseas, especially in London following their big recruitment drive Michael will now be able to sit back and see which offer suits him best.

The Australian Paramedical College offers courses ranging from a Certificate IV in Health Care to a Diploma in Paramedical Science.

By choosing a pathway through this college students also have the opportunity to advance into a Bachelor of Paramedicine, which accelerates learning outcomes, halves total program
time and saves nearly $20,000 in educational fees.

Call 1300 377 741 for more information on paramedical pathway courses in Australia.

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