
FAQ- How does the online learning system work?

Our students asked us to create a system that allows both online and offline study to take place, so we designed the student portal to make learning easier, uncomplicated and convenient

This is how it works…

Once enrolled at the College, a username and password is allocated to gain access to the leaning materials via online student learning portal – so you must be connected to the internet to access this resource in the first instance.

To explain this process, let’s look at the Certificate IV in Health Care for example.

This course has 16 units of learning and each unit is contained in a series of modules.

Each unit has its own page on the website, with three sections containing the following information.

  1. The core learning material
  2. The additional learning materials
  3. The unit assessment

Start by reading through the assessment online. The assessment contains a series of questions and activities – where answers can be found by referencing the ‘core learning material’ and/or the ‘additional learning material’.

The process is simple; work through each question until the assessment has been completed; the final process is to submit the assessment online for marking.

When a unit has been completed, more units are released until the course has been completed.

Looking for more information?

Find out about the entry-level paramedic pathway course: Certificate IV in Health Care

Watch a video: 7 top questions answered about becoming a paramedic

Get the free guide: How to become a paramedic

Becoming a Paramedic with Australian Paramedical College

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