
Paramedic Pathway Courses: Alternative to Uni Part 3

It would be unfair to expect that spending three years studying full-time at a university be suitable for everyone. In fact, I would argue that in today’s day and age, the university approach to learning, though valid, is not the best learning approach for many people. University paramedic courses are no different.

Paramedical Pathway Courses: University may not be for everyone

There are gifted men and women – young and old – that simply don’t have the time or aptitude to complete a three-year university degree. Whether it is a young single-mum that needs to work her part-time job in order to provide for her family. Maybe it’s a young man fresh out of high school, but is not sure that he wants to spend $60,000+ and three years of his life on a career choice that he is not 100% convinced he wants to pursue.

There are many people who need a flexible approach to learning and simple cant afford the straight up expense that a university degree gives them. There are others who don’t learn in a university environment (I am one of them), and to dictate to them that a three-year university degree is the only way is just wrong.

Paramedical Pathway Courses that are flexible at Australian Paramedical College

That is why the Australian Paramedical College has designed their pre-hospital emergency healthcare courses to be flexible, affordable and effective. Their paramedic pathway courses are nationally recognised and eligible for recognised prior learning (RPL) awards should you decide later on to complete a Bachelor of Paramedical Science

When it comes down to it, there are so many reasons why considering paramedical pathway courses offered by Australian Paramedical College (APC) is a common sense alternative to the expensive direct university approach. As an APC student, you have much more flexibility in your schedule to work while you study. You will also gain real industry experience and skills that are critical in securing jobs in the emergency healthcare sector.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak with a Career Advisor about the many paramedic pathway courses offered by the Australian Paramedical College call today on 1300 377 741.

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