
Paramedic Courses – Your pathway to a career in global health

paramedic courses - your pathway to a career in global health - Australian Paramedical College

Paramedic courses such as the Diploma of Paramedical Science can provide a career pathway in global health. International SOS, is a company that is having an impact on the health system worldwide, with many people who have completed various paramedic courses gaining employment with them.

Paramedic courses can lead you to a job in global health 

Increasing international trade has introduced new health risks to travellers worldwide, with viruses and diseases being given the opportunity to spread rapidly. In order to help prevent the international outbreaks of disease, travellers should be appropriately educated, have the ability to identify any health concerns and know when and how to contact a health professional.

Gaining access to quality healthcare advice is often the main problem. Google just won’t cut it. This is why when travelling abroad, and into an unfamiliar environment, having access to a network such as International SOS is invaluable. As well as equipping you with the appropriate knowledge for safe and healthy travel, our paramedic courses, such as the Diploma of Paramedical Science, also qualify you to be employed by this global company.

On a global scale International SOS is a leading emergency assistance provider. Predominately providing assistance to large organisations by supporting them in unfamiliar and remote locations, their aim is to keep clients healthy and safe. The same ideals we promote within our paramedic courses. Their preventative measures in addition to their ability to respond is unparalleled.

With 5,200 medical professionals across the globe, International SOS has access to a huge range of employees in all fields of medicine. In fact, our paramedic course ensure you are adequately trained to apply for a job within this company.

Their telehealth platform provides medical information, advice and referrals 24/7, 365 days per years. With 27 assistance centres and 58 clinics worldwide they are providing 25,000 health checks to 9,400 clients, 84% of which are Fortune Global 100 companies, per year. In addition to making 3,300,000 pharmaceutical shipments and providing 245,000 new and 183,000 refurbished medical kits, they can have 1,600 air ambulance missions and fly eight million kilometres per year.

Paramedic Courses – Your pathway to a career in global health

So, if you’re looking for a career in global health, and have completed one of our paramedic courses, think about researching International SOS. Their recourses and capabilities will astound you.


Why become a Paramedic?

‘Finding a job that feeds my soul.’

Being able to help people in need in a urgent time and save someone’s life and finding a job that feeds my soul and makes me happy and get closer to who really I like to be and spend my life doing.”
-APC Paramedic Student

For more information on paramedic training call (07) 5520 2522.

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