
Medic/Paramedical Training Courses NSW. What You Need to Know

Paramedical Training Courses NSW.

There is no doubt that New South Wales is the largest career market for paramedics in Australia. The demand for trained and experienced paramedics is increasing in both the private and public sector. This unprecedented demand is creating a wave of new opportunities for people looking to create a career in pre-hospital emergency medical response. With a rush to learn how to become a paramedic in NSW, the demand for paramedical training courses in NSW is also increasing.

Before looking into paramedical career training options, let’s take a quick look at the paramedic profession in New South Wales.

What is a Paramedic?

A Paramedic is a frontline medical practitioner who is relied upon to save lives and attend to patients who need urgent medical attention in a pre-hospital environment. They are highly trained first responders who know exactly how to respond quickly and effectively when performing CPR and other highly technical medical procedures. You may have seen the Paramedic/Ambulance TV shows and witnessed first-hand just how amazing they are at their job.

Paramedics are also trained to adapt to challenging situations and be confident in making split-second decisions to save lives. They are also required to record and check important details of a patient’s injuries, condition and treatment administered. An often-overlooked aspect of the job of a paramedic is double-checking the ambulance to assure that it is safe to drive and its life-saving equipment is operational.

The world of work has changed dramatically since the Coronavirus Pandemic. We’re witnessing a new era of how governments react to future health issues and the demands placed on the industry. This being the case, you’d be right in thinking that more and more paramedics, as well as trained health care workers will be required to provide essential care when needed.

Future demand for highly-developed human skills.

Aside from clinical skills, paramedics are great communicators and have highly-developed social skills. How you talk, mix with the public and patients can determine the outcome of your day. Taming your ego, controlling your feelings/reactions are the signs of a great paramedic. Like it or not, you may also be judged on how you speak and write. Grammar and vocabulary are critical to your career advancement as a paramedic/medic. As well as a range of ‘soft skills’ such as listening, cooperating, acting decisively, critical thinking, leading teams, collaborating, guiding and mentoring.

Preparing you for life as a frontline worker in NSW means you can choose how you build your paramedical knowledge, by ultimately deciding on the best paramedical training course/pathway that suits your situation. Whichever path you take, whether it’s the Diploma of Paramedical Science (superseded by HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care) or choose a university pathway, you’ll have to agree to take ownership and dedicate 2-3 years of your life to gain the qualifications.

Having good problem-solving, combined with critical thinking, communication skills as well as being compassionate, are values central to becoming a paramedic. Setting values aside, you are going to need extensive training and there are several schools and colleges that offer a variety of programs in paramedic training.

As you can see, it takes certain individuals with the character and necessary training to succeed in this challenging and rewarding profession in NSW and every other state of Australia.

Are our paramedical pathway training courses recognised in NSW?

Yes…Whether you live in NSW and want to pursue a career as a Paramedic or medic, or you simply want to make sure that your skills and training is recognised within NSW, Australian Paramedical College provides flexible and practical training to enable you to confidently apply clinical skills in the field.

For instance, a NSW Ambulance Paramedic is highly skilled in;

  • Access Cannulation
  • Airway management
  • Patient assessment
  • Behavioural disturbance management
  • Cardiac arrest and monitoring
  • Drug administration
  • ECG interpretation
  • Patient Extrication
  • Obstetrics
  • Respiratory management
  • Resuscitation
  • Trauma; and more

Learning these skills and being confident to administer them takes great skill and of course, experience. At Australian Paramedical College we provide nationally recognised training at our NSW campus where students take part in clinical workshops as part of their course progression.

The Diploma of Paramedical Science (superseded by HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care) delivers more than just a qualification in emergency response. The skills gained by completing this course are equivalent to around 60% of the Clinical Scope of Practice as that of a registered Paramedic (QLD). APC are working on comparing the Scope of Practice of a New South Wales Paramedic with that of a diploma-qualified graduate.

Clinical skills development at APC.

Diploma students complete 2 separate 7 day blocks of workshops throughout their training. At the clinical workshops, everyone experiences the hands-on aspect of the job, where simulated emergency scenarios put you on-the-spot. Clinical Workshop 1 focuses on Basic Life Support (BLS) and Clinical Workshop 2 focuses on Advanced Life Support (ALS).

Here are some paramedical pathway training courses that you can do on your pathway to become a medic or paramedic in NSW. NOTE: Australian Paramedical College qualifications are not enough to get a job with New South Wales Ambulance as a Registered Paramedic, you need a Bachelor of Paramedic Science degree.

HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care

This course is entry-level, which can lead to a career in the private sector as a Basic Life Support Medic (BLSM). This course helps enhance the basic life support skills required in a pre-hospital situation. The skill to diagnose a patient and to instantly provide treatment solutions, can be learned in this paramedical course.

HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care (formerly HLT51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science)

This paramedical pathway course focuses on developing your skills to handle life-threatening situations whilst out in the field. A diploma-level qualification in pre-hospital emergency health care also covers advanced life support (ALS) techniques. Bear in mind, although this paramedical pathway course is thorough and comprehensive, completing it does not qualify you for a role as a NSW Ambulance Paramedic. Read more about how APC students have successfully used the diploma to get into university to study the Bachelor of Paramedic Science.

HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport

Demand for Patient Transport Officers/ Ambulance Drivers is on the rise. As a Patient Transport Officer (PTO), your working day is always different, you may never know what you’re doing from one day to the next. Every call-out differs from the last one, which is one of the most appealing aspects of the job – making it an enjoyable, stimulating and a personally rewarding experience. At this level, your clinical skills are not as developed as those who possess a Certificate IV or Diploma, although the Certificate III is a very good starting point.

Bachelor of Paramedic Science

Pursuing a degree in paramedics can be very rewarding and will greatly assist you to find a job as a paramedic, especially in NSW. Having a clinical specialisation is the first step in achieving a rewarding career in the sector. The degree program focuses on providing students with the right knowledge and skills to assess and deliver emergency pre-hospital medical care.

Take the first steps toward working in emergency response in NSW.

Are you ready to begin creating an amazing career in the pre-hospital emergency health care sector in NSW? Can you picture yourself working as a NSW Ambulance Paramedic or even a First Responder and enjoying the feeling of making a difference?

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to get started, we recommend the HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care; the highest level paramedical training course in NSW before going to uni to complete your paramedicine degree. APC has a training location in NSW, where students get to attend clinical workshops and run through simulated emergency scenarios to hone their skills. Students work in teams as well as alone and become familiar with similar equipment a NSW paramedic would use. APC can also help arrange clinical placement, which is a requirement to compete the qualification. Now more than ever, it pays to find out more about being a medic/paramedic, helping those who need it the most.

Get a Career development plan – NSW paramedical careers.

Call APC on 1300 377 741 to find out more about how you can train with us in NSW, or tell us a little about yourself by completing your Paramedical career development plan today.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.