
Paramedic Jobs and Security Risk

No one can ever say paramedic jobs are mundane and uneventful, especially when it comes to international events like the G20 Summit.

Wherever there is a security risk, there is also a potential need for an increase in paramedic jobs. In their very essence, paramedical jobs are dependent on the demand for emergency medical care. While there is a constant need to have a certain number of paramedics and ambulance staff employed in any given location, there is an ever-increasing demand for paramedics to attend specific events or high-risk activities.

Paramedic Jobs at the G20 Summit

Take, for example, events such as the G20 Summit slated this year for Brisbane, Australia. Several million dollars are spent to ensure the safety of the world’s most influential heads of government, including presidents, prime ministers, world bankers and the like. Wherever they travel, there is always going to be heightened levels of risk and with increased security comes the need for increased paramedic jobs.

In fact, the Queensland Government has sectioned off an entire ward in one of the major Brisbane hospitals in the event of an emergency. These contingency plans even include hospital staff, doctors, nurses and paramedics on standby to serve at the facility for these dignitaries alone. As you can see, paramedic jobs and people with paramedic training become vitally important at the G20 Summit.

Paramedic Jobs in High-risk Countries

Consider the Middle East and the constant security threats in this part of the world. In places where there is a civil war or constant violence and conflict such as in Syria or Egypt, there is always a need for paramedics to attend to the injured.

Paramedic jobs are critical in foreign embassies, which are often targets of terrorist and violent acts. It takes a special kind of person to consider the paramedic jobs available in these high-risk locations, but their role is critical to the welfare of innocent civilians and the furtherance of peace in this volatile region.

Paramedic Jobs at the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are a very relevant example at this time. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games only highlight the increased role that paramedic jobs are playing at the Olympics. Not only has Russia significantly increased the role of security and counter-terrorism forces, but countries such as the USA and Britain have made significant provisions for medical emergency care and evacuation for its athletes and their families.

Paramedic jobs with special operations and military-style training have been recruited in the event of a terror attack at the Olympics. Recent terror attacks in the nearby city of Volgograd and subsequent threats to disrupt the Sochi Games have only reinforced the need for increased security surrounding the city and the Olympic events. That of course means an increase in paramedic jobs to be filled to respond to potential large-scale medical emergencies.

Paramedic Jobs in Australia

Paramedic jobs are here to stay – and as you can clearly see, there will only ever be a growing demand for paramedics and their skills wherever there is a security risk. In today’s ever-changing world and global tensions, it is safe to say that paramedic jobs will be constantly available to those with a desire to make a difference.

Discover how the Australian Paramedical College can help you in your pathway to becoming a paramedic. Speak to our Course Advisors today on 1300 377 741.

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