
Toll Air Ambulance – The newest Helicopter Rescue Service

Toll Air Ambulance

After taking delivery of the brand new Helicopters late in 2016, Toll Air Ambulance have officially launched their aeromedical operations which will provide helicopter rescue and retrieval services in partnership with New South Wales Ambulance.

Officially launched on January 10, the service will consist of eight brand new Leonardo AW139s and will operate across four bases in southern New South Wales.

The Toll Air Ambulance service will be rolled out in the following stages:

January 10th 2017 – Launch of the Toll Air Ambulance in the Sydney Greater Region
March 1st 2017 – Begin rescue and retrieval operations in Wollongong
April 3rd 2017 – Start flying from the ACT, taking over the coverage currently being provided by the Snowy Hydro-sponsored SouthCare rescue helicopter service from its base at Hume, southeast of Canberra.
May 14th 2017 – Begin operating from its base at Orange Airport, in central NSW.

Who is Toll Air Ambulance

The Toll NSW Ambulance Rescue Helicopter partnership provides rescue, retrieval and expert medical care to patients across NSW from bases in Sydney, Wollongong and Orange and to ACT communities from four regional bases.

What do they do

They perform over 3000 patient missions each year, delivering critical care to communities and effectively transporting the ICU to the patient. The Helicopters are fitted with a specialist medical configuration and equipment, including neonatal capabilities, which supports the continuum of critical care from the scene to the hospital.

Within hours of its launch, Toll was tasked to rescue a male bushwalker with a lower leg injury from Hatches Hollows in the Kanangra-Boyd National Park, 130km southwest of Sydney. The crew winched the 58-year-old male up into the helicopter and transferred him in a stable condition to Liverpool Hospital for further treatment.

From a trapped bushwalker in the Blue Mountains to an unconscious jet skier at Brooklyn and a patient who’d fallen off cliffs at Clovelly, the crew were there.

The Helicopters

The eight new AgustaWestland 139 helicopters are world-class and make up the largest aeromedical fleet in Australia. The AW139 marks the latest in performance, safety and innovation, assisting NSW Ambulance to reach patients in remote areas, faster than ever before.

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