
Aural Learning Style [Student Tips]

Student Tips- Aural Learning

Did you know that in 1987 New Zealand, teacher Neil Fleming developed the VARK model to help his students understand more about their individual learning styles? When students are unsure of their learning style, they can often become frustrated and lose motivation. The VARK Model is a great tool to help gauge a students learning style and helps them retain more information for their studies.

V.A.R.K. Stands for: Visual, Aural, Reading/Writing and Kinesthetic


If you are an aural learner then you are the type of learner who prefers to listen to podcasts and explaining things by talking. Aural Learners prefer asking questions and hearing a verbal response back, they also like to participate in discussion groups as it provides them with more peer to peer, or teacher to student, knowledge.
People with an aural preference talk things over to sort things out clearly in their head. They explain things easiest by talking and they will also emphasise words, use different voices and insert comments to put their point of view across.
When studying, an Aural Learner should take part in discussion groups, debates, lectures and aural presentations. Convert your notes into both a visual and audio experience. Even ask your teacher for external podcasts, audiobooks and videos you can listen to in order to gain more information towards your unit of study.

Click Here To Learn About – READ AND WRITE- THE VARK MODEL

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