
What is Paramedic Registration – Find out what you need to know.

Registration for Paramedics was formerly introduced in Dec 2018. This article provides background information on how it affects those who work in the pre-hospital/out-of-hospital emergency health care sector.

Did you know that all Paramedics are now required to be registered to practise in Australia?

So, what does this mean forthose who are studying to become a paramedic, or are studying Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications?

Watch a presentation by the newly formed Paramedicine Board which was formed in November 2017 formed in partnership with Australian Health Practitioner RegulationAgency (AHPRA).

Key Points of Paramedic Registration

  • Paramedicine was added to the definition of ‘health profession’ in the National Law.
  • The use of the word ‘Paramedic’ becomes a protected title.
  • Approved qualifications for paramedicine will be decided (have now been formulated) by the National Board in accordance with the usual arrangements for accreditation functions in the National Law.

Diploma of Paramedical Science and Registration

In addition to the already approved qualifications from Paramedics Australiasia, and as agreed by the Ministerial Council on 7 October 2016, the legislation recognises that a person who holds a Diploma of Paramedical Science or Advanced Diploma qualification issued by the Ambulance Service of NSW will be eligible for registration as a Paramedic under the National Law.

This however, does not mean that Diplomas’ offered by RTO’s, like the Australian Paramedical College, will not be accepted.  The Paramedicine Board has approved Diploma-qualified persons who can prove at least 1700 hours of supervised clinical practice in an out-of-hospital environment are eligible to apply for registration. (This provision applies for three years from participation day, which means you have 3 years to be able to demonstrate the 1700 hours)

How will registration affect others?

  • Registration does not affect Certificate or Diploma-level persons working in the private sector. Their roles range from a Patient Transport Officer, or private medic, or First Responder/Ambulance Attendant. However, those who possess a Certificate and/or Diploma in pre-hospital emergency health care can NOT call themselves a ‘Paramedic’.
  • Upon completion of a HLT51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science, graduates are eligible to continue studies at university, where credit points towards the degree can be awarded.
  • Complete an HLT41115- Certificate IV in Health Care or HLT51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science and work in the private sector.

The Timeline of Paramedic Registration

  • Phase 1:Dec 2015- April 2016
    • Agree scope
  • Phase 2: April – October 2016
    • Settle policy parameters
  • Phase 3: 2016 –2017
    • Draft amendments to National Law.
    • Qld passes National Law. WA, SA
  • Phase 4: 2017 –2018
    • AHPRA to establish administrative arrangements
    • Registration commences late 2018

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