
REVEALED!…the top 7 burning questions about how to become a paramedic

We answer the top 7 burning questions about how to become a paramedic in this interactive live webinar replay.

Get the answers to the most common questions in 13 mins.

Watch the webinar replay here.

How to become a paramedic

The Australian Paramedical College is the largest pre-hospital health care training provider in Australia. We are dedicated to providing training of the highest standard for all students who enrol in our training programs. APC offers the HLT 41115 – Certificate IV in Health Care and the HLT 51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science (Advanced Life Support). Our training programs provide a flexible and affordable pathway for those who wish to work in the private sector or choose to continue their education at university.

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What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.