
BSBMED301 – Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately


Outcomes of studying the BSBMED301 – Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately:

  • Respond appropriately to instructions which contain medical terminology
  • Carry out routine tasks
  • Use appropriate medical terminology in verbal and written communication

Throughout your study, you will learn this important area of abbreviated communication. You’ll acquire the skills and knowledge required to give, understand and respond to instructions which pertain medical references and terms. You’ll carry out routine tasks and communicate with a range of internal/external clients and patients in a medical environment; as well as use appropriate medical terminology in the workplace.

It applies to people working in the health care sector, not just in the paramedical sector.  As part of your role as a medic/paramedic, you will interact with many people through out the course of your working day. Patient care and well-being is always the top priority, therefore, being able to pass on vital information to a nurse or doctor quickly – is of the highest priority. Time-critical decisions need to be made at the scene of an accident or at an emergency ward (A&E) hand-over; your use of medical terminology could mean the difference to the outcome of immediate treatment.

Elements and Performance Criteria for BSBMED301:



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Respond appropriately to instructions which contain medical terminology

1.1 Receive, interpret and document written and oral instructions using medical terminology

1.2 Use checklists where appropriate

1.3 Interpret abbreviations for specialised medical terminology

1.4 Interpret and adhere to the policies and procedures of the workplace

1.5 Seek clarification when necessary

2. Carry out routine tasks

2.1 Use medical terminology correctly in the completion of routine tasks

2.2 Seek assistance from supervisor or experienced staff member as required

3. Use appropriate medical terminology in oral and written communication

3.1 Use appropriate medical terminology as directed, in oral communication with patients, fellow workers and health professionals

3.2 Use appropriate medical terminology as directed, in written communication with patients, fellow workers and health professionals

3.3 Present written communication to a designated person for verification if required

3.4 Spell and pronounce medical terminology correctly

Assessment Requirements for BSBMED301 – Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately:

As part of the learning process, you would be assessed on your ability to:

  • interpret and follow written instructions containing medical terminology
  • produce documents containing correct medical terminology according to organisational requirements
  • use medical terminology correctly in verbal communications
  • identify and use appropriate abbreviations for medical terms and associated processes.

Knowledge Evidence for BSBMED301 – Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately:

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, you must:

  • outline medical terminology relevant to the practice, including the fundamental word structure used in medical terms
  • outline the relevant policies and procedures
  • identify sources of information available to check on medical terminology.

Assessment Conditions for BSBMED301 – Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately:

Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the medical services administration field of work and include access to:

  • office equipment and resources
  • examples of documentation
  • case studies and, where possible, real situations

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

To see more details on this paramedical unit BSBMED301 – Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately click here to view the full details here on training.gov

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HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport
HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care
HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care

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