
HLTOUT007 – Transport Non-emergency Patients Under Operational Conditions


Outcomes of studying the HLTOUT007 – Transport Non-emergency Patients Under Operational Conditions:

  • Prepare and check vehicle and equipment
  • Ensure faults in vehicle and equipment are remedied
  • Convey and receive information relating to emergency transport
  • Load, unload and secure vehicle occupants for transportation
  • Transport patient under routine driving conditions

The unit HLTOUT007 – Transport Non-emergency Patients Under Operational Conditions describes the skills and knowledge required for non-emergency transport.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to load, unload and drive vehicles safely to transport vehicle occupants to and from a facility or service in non-emergency conditions. It includes using communication equipment and checking vehicles and equipment in order to restock and remedy faults.

This unit applies to pre-hospital and out-of-hospital health care workers.

Elements and Performance Criteria for this Study Unit:



Elements describe the essential outcomes

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Prepare and check vehicle and equipment.

  • Check vehicle and equipment systematically and comprehensively based on a local vehicle checklist or inventory.
  • Conduct vehicle checks on a regular basis according to organisational policies and procedures to ensure continuing serviceability of vehicle and equipment.
  • Ensure interior and exterior cleanliness of vehicle in accordance with organisational policies and procedures for minimisation of infection risk to vehicle occupants.
  • Maintain vehicle operating stock to organisational minimum and maximum levels.
  • Maintain vehicle and equipment according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
Ensure faults in vehicle and equipment are remedied.
  • Identify and report general nature of faults in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.
  • Assess risk of all faults, malfunctioning vehicle or equipment against patient care priorities and notify personnel in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.
  • Establish need for additional or replacement resources and communicate to other workers.
Convey and receive information relating to transport.
  • Use communication techniques and procedures consistent with legislation and according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Notify receiving facility according to local standard non-emergency patient transport procedures.

Load, unload and secure vehicle occupants for transportation.


  • Load and unload patient, consistent with safe work practices and organisational policy and procedures.
  • Ensure support or assistance is provided during loading and unloading of patient.
  • Transport others to accompany the patient, where such a need has been identified and there is a capacity to do so, in accordance with established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Ensure vehicle occupants are secured in vehicle according to organisational policies and procedures.
  • Organise and secure equipment in accordance with Australian Standards, legislation and organisational policies and procedures.
Transport patient under routine driving conditions.
  • Establish and maintain communication as required between driver and vehicle occupants to ensure effective patient care during transport.
  • Drive vehicle to current road conditions and in a manner that avoids exacerbation of patient condition.
  • Drive vehicle under operational conditions in a low risk manner and according to legal requirements.
  • Notify vehicle occupants of upcoming hazards to facilitate preparation and management of situation for safety of patient and self.
  • Utilise maps and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) as required to navigate to a specified destination.
  • Choose the most efficient route and monitor factors likely to cause delays or route deviations.

Performance Evidence for HLTOUT007 – Transport Non-emergency Patients Under Operational Conditions:


Assessment Requirements for HLTOUT007


Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role.

There must be evidence that the candidate has checked the safety of transport vehicle and safely transported three different non-emergency patients under operational conditions including:

  • loading and unloading
  • performing driving skills suited to the case being attended
  • assessing and analysing available driving routes using navigation aids and available resources
  • efficiently and safely driving patient transfer vehicles under different operational conditions for transport of non-emergency patients
  • adhering to applicable road traffic Acts and regulations

A non-emergency patient is defined as an individual that requires transport and may not require active treatment by a clinician while en-route to a receiving facility.

Knowledge Evidence for HLTOUT007 – Transport Non-emergency Patients Under Operational Conditions:


Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

  • methods of loading and unloading non-emergency patients
  • organisational policies and procedures for:
    • vehicles used for transportation of non-emergency patients
    • equipment in vehicle
    • vehicle checks
    • cleanliness of vehicle
    • reporting of faulty vehicle
    • risk assessment of faults
  • relevant Acts and Regulations
  • organisational policies procedures related to transport of non-emergency patients including:
    • manual handling and lifting
    • care and restraint of patient and others during transportation
    • non-emergency patient care procedures during transportation
    • State/Territory road rules and regulations when driving patient transfer vehicles
    • use of communications equipment and systems for transporting non-emergency patients
  • stock inventory and the safe storage and disposal of pharmacological products
  • protocols for safe transport of vehicle occupants:
    • patients
    • crew
    • clinical staff
    • relatives or carers
    • assistance animals.

Assessment Conditions for HLTOUT007 – Transport Non-emergency Patients Under Operational Conditions:


Skills must be demonstrated in an operational vehicle used for the transport of non-emergency patients. This should be in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions.

Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as using suitable facilities, equipment and resources.

Driving skills must have been demonstrated at least once using simulation prior to any demonstration in the workplace.

Assessment must ensure access to facilities, resources and equipment as per local governing body including:

  • transport vehicle
  • communication protocols, devices and equipment used in emergency vehicles
  • modelling of industry operating conditions including access to real people when using simulations and scenarios to demonstrate transporting non-emergency patients.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

To see more details on the study unit HLTOUT007 – Transport Non-Emergency Patients Under Operational Conditions, click here to view the full details here on training.gov

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Choose from these qualifications:

HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport
HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care
HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care

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