
HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely


Outcomes of studying the HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely:

  • Identify manual tasks involving risk
  • Prepare for manual tasks
  • Complete manual tasks
  • Contribute to safe work practices

The unit HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely describes the skills and knowledge required to recognise potentially hazardous manual tasks, and then to prepare for and complete those tasks in a safe manner.

This unit applies to all workers involved in manual handling tasks.

Elements and Performance Criteria for this Study Unit:



Elements describe the essential outcomes

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Identify manual tasks involving risk

 1.1 Recognise manual tasks that may involve risk to self or others


1.2 Identify risk factors that make the manual task hazardous

1.3 Determine the nature and extent of the risk

1.4 Follow organisation procedures for controlling hazardous manual tasks

2. Prepare for manual tasks

2.1 Prepare workplace layout and environment according to organisation procedures

2.2 Organise task and workflow appropriately

2.3 Prepare and package loads for movement, taking account of specific requirements for different materials and organisation procedures

2.4 Select and use personal protective equipment appropriate to the task

2.5 Ensure task is within personal capabilities

3. Complete manual tasks

3.1 Use appropriate posture and handling techniques to reduce muscle load on exertion

3.2 Select, adjust and use mechanical aids and handling devices according to manufacturers instructions

3.3 Pace and schedule tasks according to procedures

4. Contribute to safe work practices

4.1 Identify hazardous manual tasks and report to supervisor according to organisation procedures

4.2 Follow organisation procedures for reporting symptoms of injury or actual injury to self and others

4.3 Participate in workplace safety activities and contribute to the improvement of manual tasks

4.4 Contribute to risk management approach to reduce risks from manual tasks

Performance Evidence for HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely:


Performance Evidence for HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely


The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

  • followed legally compliant workplace procedures to prepare for and complete at least 3 different manual tasks relevant to the work role
  • contributed to a consultation process about improving manual handling safety

Knowledge Evidence for HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely:


The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

  • key information from work health and safety (WHS) regulations relating to manual tasks and national code of practice
  • role and responsibilities of the employer and employees in relation to manual handling safety
  • ways in which individual workers are involved in consultation about workplace health and safety
  • reporting mechanisms required for workplace injury and compensation claims
  • key aspects of the risk management approach to manual tasks
  • risk factors and potential sources of risks of hazardous manual tasks:
    • repetition
    • forces
    • postures
    • vibration
    • systems of work
  • types of manual task activity and the types of injuries that can result
  • the relationship between the human body and risk of injury from performing manual tasks
  • functions of the human body:
    • basic function of the spine
    • body postures
    • types of muscles
    • principles of levers
  • manual handling techniques that support safe work practice:
    • preparing the load/client
    • preparing the environment
    • using the stronger muscles in the legs where possible, rather than spinal muscles
    • maintaining a neutral spine when lifting and carrying
    • using two hands to lift or carry
    • keeping the load close to the body/centre of gravity
    • avoiding lifting objects above shoulder height
    • minimising repetitive movements
    • positions not held for long periods of time
    • avoiding twisting by repositioning feet whilst turning
  • types and operational features of mechanical aids, tools and equipment

Assessment Conditions for HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely:


Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. The following conditions must be met for this unit:

  • use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:
  • compliant workplace procedures
  • materials, loads and equipment as required by the individual workplace
  • modelling of industry operating conditions, including:
  • presence of hazards
  • integration of situations requiring problem solving

To see more details on the study unit HLTWHS005 – Conduct Manual Tasks Safely, click here to view the full details here on training.gov

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