
Paramedics Encourage All To Learn CPR and Save A Life

how to save a life with-CPRThe amount of drownings in backyard pools over this summer so far has been extremely worrying. As incidences continue to occur, all Australians are being urged to learn the lifesaving skill of CPR.

SLSQ Academy Operations Manager, Ken Clark said that early access and early CPR can be the difference between life and death.

“Members of the public can follow a process of Basic Life Support by using the acronym DRSABCD: checking for and removing Danger, checking Responsiveness, Sending for immediate help, clearing and opening the Airway, checking for Breathing and if not breathing normally, commence CPR without hesitation and, if a Defibrillator is available, connect immediately and follow the prompts.

“We implore all parents, especially parents who own pools, to update their knowledge of first aid. They are skills which do not take long to learn, but they are skills and knowledge that will last a lifetime,” stresses Mr. Clark.

It’s important for people to realise that anyone can save a life. You don’t have to be a trained Paramedic, a Doctor or Nurse to be able to perform CPR. If bystanders are trained in this skill they will be able to begin resuscitation and drastically improve the patients chance of survival before emergency services arrive.

If you don’t already know CPR, we encourage you to enrol in a course today! All you have to do is Google ‘CPR Courses’ and you will see all of the providers closest to you!

Become a Paramedic – Save a life

If you are passionate about saving lives have you thought about becoming a Paramedic? The Australian Paramedical College is the largest pre-hospital health care training provider in Australia. We are dedicated to providing training of the highest standard for all students who enrol in our training programs. APC offers aa HLT 31115 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport, a HLT41115 – Certificate IV in Health Care and a HLT51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science (Advanced Life Support).  Our training programs provide a flexible and affordable pathways for those who wish to work in the private sector or choose to continue their education at university.

For more information on how to become a paramedic call (07) 5520 2522.

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To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.